This film is everything Top Gun promised to deliver but failed
1992, USA, Colour, 97 minutes
Directed by Captain Jim Block (USAAF ret.)
Written by and starring the 3rd Sqdrn. Nevada Air National Guard, East Las Vegas
Ever seen a film that you thought you could do a better job of and you managed to convince a bunch of friends you really could? Well this is pretty much what happened here with what was described as a "more real Top Gun", sadly it is never as easy as it looks, and while we can all agree this film is more realistic, no one will ever find real time air combat interesting. Not when it involves so many dammed pre flight checks.
Great line – "You know when the fuel monitor beeps twice it is time to return home.” (Actually this isn't as great as I remember, perhaps delivery makes a difference?)
Reviewed by Juan Incognito