Frights! Bites! Rights!
2007, USA, Colour, 91 minutes
Directed by Daniel Davidson. Written by Ken Solmon, Smithfield Kraft
Starring Missy Loose, P.K. French, Harlan Gearey
A small school is attacked by wave upon wave of crazed zombie immigrants demanding entrance in order to eat the succulent flesh of the children and teachers in a new take on the traditional "outpost of civilisation under attack" story. Well sort of, until 40 minutes in when the zombies demand court intervention to help them overcome the makeshift barricades. Will the courts say yes to multiculturalism and no to the right not to be eaten? Such weighty questions are thrown at the audience in what is a strange attempt at contemporary political humour crossed with biting social commentary.
The problem with this kind of film is that sometimes they try to be too clever and end up with a confused message. Are we really meant to hate immigrants, or are they being ironic? Are we meant to weigh up the intolerance of the community compared to the needs of all residents; immigrant, zombie, or citizen? Perhaps there is no correct answer and we are just meant to walk away confused yet deep in thought, in which case bravo and how timely! The untimely death of the director, writers and producers in a light plane crash soon after hitting the film festival circuit means that we will probably never have resolution. Sure makes you think.
Reviewed by Juan Incognito