Who is behind the mask?
2000, USA, Colour, 104 minutes
Directed by Lou Wrighter. Written by Gervis Granthelm
Starring Susan Aarnoldson, Jim Sagem, Mittens (the cat)
Who is behind the mask? A simple mystery allegedly adapted from a folk tale from Denmark, The Edible Mask takes the audience on a long, sometimes just plain strange journey through the mind of a woman who wishes to become a chef. Just a pity that somebody doesn't want her to! The nice thing about the story is we never really find out who or why this person or people so oppose her career choice. All we know is that they are willing to do nearly anything to stop her, bar murder or physical injury. This being the first of what was fondly hoped to be a new genre of violence free mysteries!
Best line – “All I want to do is to bring the meat and three veg back to America, why do you hate me?” Sadly, her cat couldn't answer that impassioned question.
Reviewed by Juan Incognito