Sometimes enough is too much
1976, USA, Colour, 93 minutes
Written and directed by Ush Afull
Starring Alf Grein, Shoshana, Leroy McReedy
Bizarre New York revenge film, supposed based on a New Hebridian folk belief that a man can only be hits so many times before the Gods see his plight and come to his aid. East Village low life “Skuzz” who, being a general ratbag gets beat up a lot, receives one punch over the Holy Line when he attempts to pick a man's pocket. With powerful allies to help him restore balance to karmic forces he becomes a local demi-God. When a local beat cop realises what's going on he orders his partner to punch him as many times as is needed to get the Gods on his side too. But the God-assisted cop becomes brain damaged and uncontrollable. Is Scuzz all that stands in the way of New York's destruction?
Watch out for – the pathetic special effects in the ensuing battle.
Quote – “I coulda lets youse all die. Know dat, right? Remember dat next time you punch me for stealing your TV.”
Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk