Saturday, 15 May 2010

The Search for Honey – *½

The emotions are real. The fear is sweet
1997, Denmark, Colour, 92 minutes
Written and directed by P. Fraser
Starring Lucy van Yel, P. Fraser

Sometimes it is refreshing to see films that deal with real life issues in an honest fashion, and sometimes it is not. In what was described by a reviewer as a ‘scary stalker fantasy’ viewers are invited along to watch the writer/director attempt to seduce a girl he met at college. The film claims to follow the Dogma 95 school to give the action a more real flavour, but sometimes it really seems a little too real.

Watch out for our hero manufacturing an accidental meet up in a book store.
Quote – “Really? We were in English lit together? Sorry. I don't remember you.”

Reviewed by Juan Incognito