Friday, 21 May 2010

Breast Quest - **1/2

Some quest for glory, Hellgar quests for breasts
1989, Hungary, Colour, 95 minutes
Directed by Béla Justitz. Written by László Kulka
Starring Horace Malker, Valéria Köváry, Irén Toronyi

Bodybuilding champion Horace Malker stars as Hellgar in this erotic sword ‘n’ sorcery epic which is not for everyone, but does deliver for its key demographic. Going on the basis that people rent these films because of the abundant cleavage in the cover illustrations, director Béla Justitz fills the screen with breasts in various medieval costumes. There are some humorous moments (who knew Hungarian comedy was so witty), but breasts are never far away.

Watch out for – A great theme song by Hungarian hair metallers Ugrál.

Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk