Steel can cleave hearts magic cannot touch
1986, Italy, Colour, 97 minutes
Directed by Marucs Cartwright (Gila Fufi). Written by Jorge Lourderer
Starring Steve Porter, Wrightman Carweather, Tila Nonez
When powerful (but annoyingly sensitive) wizards liberate a mystical city from a Demon Lord, they are too scared to immediately release any of the kick ass barbarians held in the city's jails. Instead they subject them to a series of magical tortures to pacify them prior to their assimilation into the new, enlightened society. It works temporarily, but after living in a city full of self-righteous jerks for about two days their awesomely violent nature is re-awakened and they crush the wizards in satisfying fashion. Fun.
Watch out for – that odd subplot about the giant snake in the sewers. It goes nowhere.
Quote – “No man puts quiche recipes in my mind. NO MAN!!!”
Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk