Monday, 14 June 2010

Honey, I Dug Up Your Corpse - ***

Aren't you happy to see me?
1988, USA, Colour, 99 minutes
Written and directed by Gary Croami
Starring Billy Tyler, Roxy, Gary Arlaxyle, Timmy, Mindy, Kimmy, Tito, Tamara

Pity poor noble Murray. He goes to all the trouble to dig up his girlfriend (a former drug addict who found God) and anger his Lord by restoring her to life, only to find that she's shacked up in hell with her old boyfriend; a truck driver who died in a fiery crash when he was 35 and she was 14. And her ex wants his lady back. The Hell Trucks are a triumph of special effects imagination, and the central romance would make Tennessee Williams gasp, but the whole enterprise is let down by the bus load of orphans Murray has to repeatedly keep out of trouble.

Watch out for – the circling of the Hell Trucks scene.
Quote – "I need a volunteer to steady my shotgun. Which one of you kids has the flattest head?"

Reviewed by Juan Incognito