Mr Paisley don't like you
2001, USA, Colour, 105 minutes
Directed by Jason Adlaison. Written by Chris Van Sioe, Pauline Wood
Starring George Gusz, Chris Van Sioe, Julie Smith
Every society needs stone cold professional killers. The type of people who can strangle anyone without going all emo, who go to only the hottest clubs, who have some sort of inherent style that make them sex magnets. Or so a thousand or so action films have told us. This is just another one of those films, except of course for the name of killer, The Garnisher! The choice of name may suggest desperation, but it actually serves a purpose, in that most viewers stay watching, hoping that the garnisher name will make for an interesting angle, maybe in a kitchen. But it never does, hell, they don't even visit a restaurant for the hotel date scene, what kind of hotel doesn't have a classy restaurant, laden with food/kitchen related humour?
Quote – "I'll garnish you!" - yelled by Act 3's Mr Big as he waves his silver pistol at the "hero".
My reaction – I coined a new term, the "groigger" - a combination of groan and snigger in honour of this film.
Reviewed by Juan Incognito