Me Happy Time Make You FUN!
1988, Japan/USA, Colour, 95 minutes
Directed by Mashimoto Mashimata. Written by Daryl Dweebly
Starring Yuko Mishima, ‘Teddy Bear’ Traylor, Kurt Kolder, The Camel Club’s Famous Dancing Humpettes
A charmingly naïve Japanese prostitute, Yumi, moves to Las Vegas and finds it quite different from the glittering paradise she imagined. But what seems like it will be just an American-based Japanese torture film (written by the editor of USA’s biggest fan magazine J-Tied), turns into a rabid mishmash of every Japanese film genre. A weird customer dies on Yumi, and the cybernetic suit that was possessing him takes her over…cue painful mutations, sword play, creepy children, giant monsters, long static shots of tea ceremonies, brutal violence to men’s groins, ninjas, alien invaders, Las Vegas showgirls becoming cat beasts, and some more torture. The result does not gel, but does have a nice soundtrack of ‘60s Japanese rock songs.
Watch out for – the famous “flicker scene”. Nearly every rental VHS in existence is damaged due to overplaying of the scene with a three second shot of Yumi’s left nipple.
Quote – “I like to make erection…hahaha for you to make. No me. Hahahaha.”
Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk