Being meek just became the ultimate power trip
1976, UK, Colour, 93 minutes
Directed by Cubby Stanley. Written by Harry Hochley
Starring Derrick Biggers, Gertrude Watts, Tyler Ironovic
An interesting, if overly ridiculous, thriller about a meek British law clerk who is put upon by workmates and his overbearing mother and always forced to apologise, even when he's not at fault. He begins to view apologising as his only source of power, and becomes addicted to the thrill of it. He starts putting himself in more and more dangerous situations so the apology will make him feel more powerful, but will he be stopped before he commits the ultimate apologisable act: murder?
Watch out for – that wild scene at the punk rock concert.
Quote – “I'm awfully sorry that happened to your knickers, ma'am.”
Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk