One Quarter – One Life
1985, USA, Colour, 97 minutes
Directed by Brick Youngly. Written by Hope Kyo
Starring Mike Corey, Michael Corman, Mikey Carey
Passable kid's film concering a video game arcade that comes to life in a lightning storm – the truants and punks manage to get all the characters back in the game only to discover that they've trapped some of their friends in there too. Mild excitement abounds as they run to the change counter to get quarters before the continue counter hits zero and their friends die. Notable for the downbeat ending; after returning to their loveless homes at the end of the day, they all return to the arcade and try to climb into the arcade machines.
Watch out for – the unveiling of the Golden Free Credit Coathanger.
Quote – “Some say Zack found the coathanger stuck in a mystic stone and was the only one who could pull it out. Others say it was a robotic angel's tampon.”
Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk