Ever wish you could meet the director and punch them in the face?
1993, USA, Colour, 100 minutes
Written and directed by Sally T McGowen.
Starring A. Smith
A young boy growing up in North Dakota dreams of the sea as he faces the struggles and opportunities eternal to all youth. Or at least that is what the producers tried to sell the film as, instead the audience, such as it was, was subjected to a chaotic mix of narration, playground montages and dull stock footage of the ocean. Bemusement greeted screenings of the film at even the most pretentious of film schools and independent film festivals. What made this far worse was that the director's debut was the superb Self Shine, which goes to show that lurking within every fresh new, promising director is a pretentious, hackneyed wanker waiting to get out.
Interesting points - Blurring the faces of all the main character was self indulgent at best.
Reviewed by Juan Incognito