More fun than a barrel of nuns!
1964, UK, Colour, 100 minutes
Directed by Clyde Brywry. Written by Man Harrison
Starring Argyle Bartwright, Tom Smith, Georgie O'Hallahan, Sam Dirkens
Before Fight Club made organised fisticuffs a past time suitable only for angsty schizophrenics, Donnybrook Farm showed that a good-natured weekend of setting-to was just what stressed men of all social strata needed. The plot is set in motion through a tensely humorous ten minutes of expositional grudgery, pitting merchants against workers, and workers against waifs. When the police put a stop to what would be the biggest brawl in Edinburgh history, Farmer Clemsly says the immortal words; "Boys, we can fight on my farm!" What follows is 90 minutes of high-spirited brawling which end once everyone has punched their animosities away.
Watch out for – the classic "Dog's Bucket Routine"
Quote – "Aye, Colin. That 'twas a fine haymaker that I didnae see comin'."
Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk