Before you are digested you pass through its TEETH
1981, USA/Honduras, Colour, 73 minutes
Directed by Gary Ploughman. Written by Lance Pitt, Kyle Horscholt, Len DeWitt
Starring Gary Ploughman Lance Pitt, Kyle Horscholt, Len DeWitt
Originally titled Squid! with a script written by romance novelist Bruno Timpani, this film started as another Jaws rip off before the special effects crew spent the entire film’s budget on a hydraulic set of teeth. Unfortunately squid don’t have teeth, and with no hope of being paid, all of the actors and most of the crew quit the film. Director Ploughman and a few members of the lighting team who had nothing else to do rewrote the film. They centered the action on a drunken night time picnic beside an ominous stream, and each played multiple roles rather badly.
Watch out for – A visual encyclopaedia of all the angles a hydraulic set of teeth can be shot from.
Quote – “We’re in the middle of the most dangerous game of snap in history!”
Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk