Henry doesn't like you, and wants you dead
1984, USA/UK, Colour, 128 minutes
Directed by Henry St John. Written by Henry St John, Reggie Wiknit, Hank "Ghastly" Rastly
Starring Peter Holdan, Mercy Jones, Lucy Brown
Or does he? Another stupid mystery thriller that has a great title but doesn't deliver. So far as can be seen the plot involves Henry, a shadowy figure who kills his enemies. Why? It is never explained. All we ever find out is that he constructs elaborate kill sequences that even the most inept investigator could track down. Yet they don't. It is almost like there is a conspiracy of stupid that includes the actors and the production crew in what can only be described as a mystery for jerks who don't much mind being patronised to by fools.
Great line or moment – none
Reviewed by Juan Incognito