Tuesday, 6 July 2010

The Toss Race - **

Whoever wins may not like the prize
2007, USA, Colour
Directed by Antin Gohnun . Written by Pete Jones, James Appelnitz, Sally Horits
Starring F. Banks, Jayden Gunner, Louis Levant, Aikomoto Hero, Lebouche Jones (no relation to writer)

Five men are gathered together and made to race across a barren desert, with only a knife and a small bottle of spring water. Why? It is never said. Who? Refer to previous comment. In fact, The Toss Race is simply a poor version of that genre I like to call "hidden puppet master pulls the strings of bewildered star, and there may be an inexplicable government angle".

Line of note – "Femurs are one of those body parts you only miss when gone."

Reviewed by Juan Incognito