I can read you. You're spelled wrong
1998, USA, Colour, 81 minutes
Directed by Frank Skelly. Written by Chad Darkling
Starring Chad Darkling, Allura, The Amazing Kimmy
The movie debut of Las Vegas psychic Chad Darkling is staggeringly imbecilic. Shot in between his performances, it is about his attempts to stop an ancient clan of Super Mages from robbing Pan's Flute Casino where he performs his show. The big dilemma is; what is there for a master of body language to read when he's facing undead, mask-wearing magicians? The answer; instructions for an AK-47. Darklings performance can best be described as “theatrical.”
Watch out for – the random light changes in the outdoor scenes; they would make any Continuity Person's head explode.
Quote – “I'm a master at reading faces, but a skull tells no tales.”
Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk