Every boy becomes a man. Some are forced.
1976, Italy, Colour, 98 minutes
Directed by Benitto Carazi. Written by Benitto Carazi and Tingo Phelps
Starring Billy Polenta, Anna Peruzzi, Maria Carbona, Sonia Phelps
An intriguing horror film that delves into a repressed virginal teenager's fear of growing up but which, depending on your opinion, is either sunk or redeemed by its subplot. Brandon is an eighteen year-old who lives at home but refuses to load the dishwasher because he imagines a hideous creature lives behind it that wants to have sex with him while eating his face. The subplot about a horny witches coven (with much nudity and lesbianism) that Brandon is completely unaware of actually takes up the majority of the running time and has no connection to the rest of the film. Still, the story has a very heart warming denouement.
Watch out for – Brandon trying to buy a chastity belt using his mother's credit card.
Quote – "The spell requires bare flesh. All of you, throw your clothes in the fire."
Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk