Better than Hemp Rope I
1988, Canada , Colour, 97 minutes
Directed by Gus Yillomonte. Written by Neal Phillipe
Starring Hudson Smacker, Jane Frelitie, Aaron Whyte
The Hangman is one of my favourite movie villains. Not because he is necessarily a well developed character, or even that scary, but because of the purity of his theme. Not for him magical dream powers to kill children in their dreams, no, he just hangs you. The world needs more believable villains like this. So in some ways it is a pity that Hemp Rope II doesn't deliver on this promise, in fact at some points I almost began to suspect this film was less of a horror and more of a determined effort by the hemp lobby to promote their product. The loving close-ups of the rope fibre, the random 15 minute visit to the rope factory, the grudging admiration of the victims when the noose didn't break all make me suspicious.
Best line – “Feel the smooth suppleness of my rope!”
Reviewed by Juan Incognito