Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Born to Hacky - **

His sacks will never drop. Never.
1995, USA, Colour, 97 minutes
Written and directed by Taylor Chad Hussman
Starring Taylor Chad Hussman, Beverly H’lard, Wang Xian Tang, Pamela Ak

Strictly formulaic tale of high school rebel Eddie Arnett (writer/director/star Hussman) who finds meaning in life when the local rockery is threatened with development. The rockery is home to an endemic breed of newt, the reasearch subject of a comely biology student (Beverly H’lard). Proceeding as these films do, Eddie has to win a hacky sack tournament against the developers disciple, ex-Shaolin Monk ‘Rubber Foot’ Xiuwang, to secure the newt’s survival.

Watch out for – the scene where Eddie completes the fabled “Twelve Point Loosey”. It’s still the subject of furious argument about its authenticity
Quote – “That guy learned to hacky. I was born to hacky.”

Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk