Friday, 30 April 2010

The Brays - **

Something for you soul to chew on
1968, USA, Colour, 83 minutes
Director – David Fleishman, Writers – Plodzonki Gertmuller, Sorbrina Trunztana

Starring Kelly Trudeau, Lalzlo Bruno, Frederick von Hansy
An interesting if ultimately wrong-headed rotoscoped animation about a family of pantomime donkeys that return to the slopes of the Andes for a vacation. The songs are unmemorable and chirpy and the “message” about everyone who isn’t a pantomime donkey being a big city or small town phoney will probably be offensive to both children and adults.

The film was dogged by controversy, firstly because of the high number of injuries sustained by actors in the donkey suits falling down mountains, and second because the producers paid rebels who were at that time fighting American troops to act as American extras.

Watch out for – Look in the background as Gregor, the son of the pantomime donkey family, falls sideways onto a jagged rock - you can catch a glimpse of producer Humbert T. Nortis running into the jungle.
Quote – “Look at the little donkey. Don’t you know how to walk on the rocks? Did someone rupture your face, little donkey? You make me sick! Take off that stupid costume! What, you think my rough exterior is a costume? Maybe you’re right! (sobbing)”

Reviewed by R.P. Thunderdunk